Notitek Software

Frequently Asked Questions

Execute your Declaration Purchase (BA), Declaration Sale (BS), and Current Balance reconciliations using the Mutro system. Plus, identify discrepancies by comparing mutually shared account statements within the platform.

Absolutely! Enjoy a 60-day free trial with unrestricted access. Activate your free membership by clicking the “Try It Free” button, filling out your information, and verifying through the email link sent to you. Even post-trial, you can access your archived files within the app.

Continue using Mutro by reaching out to us via email. To maintain the existing free membership, simply click the “Login” button at the top right corner of the homepage.

Absolutely not! Reconciliation responses from your customers and suppliers are completely free of charge.

Detailed status for each reconciliation line is displayed on-screen. This enables you to check if the email has been received by the other party, and if not, understand the reason behind any failure.

Notitek Software© Mutro