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Notitek Software

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KiHero functions just like an employee, mimicking human behavior to complete tasks through user interfaces on legacy applications. Deploying the software techniques listed below, it automates the repetitive, rules-based VAT Refund processes involving mundane tasks that are usually performed by humans.


Empro helps companies deal with the technical operations that arise when applying Inflationary Accounting, in accordance with the applicable legal regulations and International Financial Reporting Standards. Empro is an essential aid to helping you use your time more efficiently by calculating in an accurate and reliable manner.


Dimro allows you to read your digital documents, reconcile them easily thanks to its simple account code assignment structure and automatically transfer your receipts to your ERP systems.


This Digital Audit bot enables cross-checking capabilities for your assistants by reading your VAT 1, VAT 2, Withholding Tax, Stamp Duty, Social Security, and related digital documents. In addition, you can create a balance sheet, depreciation and execute interest number calculations.

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